Experience the enchanting world of flowers at Garden Whispers, where every bouquet is a whisper of natures beauty. Based in the heart of Fareham, our family-run business is dedicated to crafting bespoke floral arrangements that celebrate life's special moments.

Florist’s Choice Bouquet

For a delightful surprise, consider our Florist's Choice bouquets! Let us create a unique arrangement using the freshest seasonal flowers available. This option allows you to enjoy a beautifully crafted bouquet while we select the best blooms in stock.

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  • The Glow Up Clinic - FAREHAM

    “Spring is definitely springing today especially with this amazing bouquet of blooms from

    @garden _whispers_florist

    Lora, you're amazing - THANK YOU!! 🌸🥹Give her a follow for any of you flowery needs.🤍”

  • Kirsty Cosgrove

    “Beautiful bouquet recieved at the weekend, so full they are squeezing out my vase and filling my heart with happiness. Thank you 😊💐”

  • Charlotte Bath

    “Thank you for these beautiful flowers it really means a lot to us♥️♥️”

  • Char Young

    “I was lucky and won a bouquet from Garden Whispers florist 💐 The flowers are beautiful, thank you 😘 will definitely be putting some orders in 😊”

  • Amy Mcbride

    “beautiful flowers 💐 delivered very quickly! thank you so much! 😁😁”

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