Shop Bouquets

At Garden Whispers, we offer a stunning selection of bouquets designed to suit every occasion and style. Each arrangement is hand-crafted with love and care, using only the freshest flowers to ensure beauty and longevity. Whether you’re celebrating a special moment, expressing sympathy, or simply brightening someone’s day, we are here to help you find the perfect floral arrangement.

Florist’s Choice Bouquet

For a delightful surprise, consider our Florist's Choice bouquets! Let us create a unique arrangement using the freshest seasonal flowers available. This option allows you to enjoy a beautifully crafted bouquet while we select the best blooms in stock.

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Custom Bouquets

Each arrangement is thoughtfully created to meet your preferences, allowing you to choose from a variety of flowers and styles.


If you require specific flowers for your arrangement, please provide us with at least **3 days' notice**. This ensures we have enough time to source the flowers you desire and maintain their freshness. For special requests, please contact us via email.

Personalised Cards

Make your bouquet even more special with a customised card. Share a heartfelt message that we’ll include with your arrangement.

Bouquet Delivery

Enjoy the convenience of delivery! We can bring your chosen bouquet directly to your doorstep or to the special recipient of your gift.